PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: 15 to 20 second free swing
From: ChrisAtUpw@.......
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 15:08:54 EDT
In a message dated 22/10/05, KROBERTS23@............... writes:
> Hi, is the 15 to 20 second free swing dampened? Or does 'free' mean
Hi there,
This is the free undamped swing period. Correctly damped, the arm
shoud not oscillate. Consider using magnetic damping. You are much more likely to
get satisfactory results than trying to use oil.
Chris Chapman
In a message=20=
dated 22/10/05, KROBERTS23@............... writes:
Hi, is the 15 to 20 second=20=
free swing dampened? Or does 'free' mean=20
undampener? Please remember i am new to all this. Thanks, geofff
Hi there,
This is the free undamped swing per=
iod. Correctly damped, the arm shoud not oscillate. Consider using magnetic=20=
damping. You are much more likely to get satisfactory results than trying to=
use oil.
Chris Chapman
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