PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Digest from 10/31/2005 00:00:40
From: meredith lamb paleoartifact@.........
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 13:29:01 -0700
Hi randy,
Thanks for the email below and participating!
Right off, the lubricant just doesn't sound like it would work with
crossed rods hinges/suspensions, with its evaporation and the
potential of its long term thin film deposition effects which could
interfere with hinge movement. The "cure time" aspect you mention
really leaves me apprehensive of its use.
Obviously the product seems rather interesting for the general
purposes you describe. Right off; I'd hesitate to use such on a clock or
your music box as it could impede the mechanics therein....which are
probably alot more sensitive to their critical space, than larger physical
objects with alot more mechanical room to adjust. I hope your music
box works now!
Take care, Meredith Lamb
On 11/1/05, Randy wrote:
> Meredith,
> I have the thin liquid variety. For a short term at least it will bead up
> in the cross joint like oil. It also seems to lubricate well as an almost
> imperceptible film once a good coating has been applied so you could mayb=
> even wipe most of it off. My can mentions a 2 hour cure time. On house an=
> car door hinges it seems to just vanish but no squeaks come back for
> months.
> I tried some in a cuckoo clock music box about 2 years ago and haven't
> opened it back up. I was worried about getting very much in there not
> knowing how the solvents would react to the other parts as the lubricatio=
> dispersed so I just used a toothpick to insert a minamal amount.
> Randy
Hi randy,
Thanks for the email below and participating!
Right off, the lubricant just doesn't sound like it would work with
crossed rods hinges/suspensions, with its evaporation and the
potential of its long term thin film deposition effects which could
interfere with hinge movement. The "cure time" aspect you m=
really leaves me apprehensive of its use.
Obviously the product seems rather interesting for the general
purposes you describe. Right off; I'd hesitate to use such on a clock=
your music box as it could impede the mechanics therein....which are
probably alot more sensitive to their critical space, than larger physical =
objects with alot more mechanical room to adjust. I hope your music
box works now!
Take care, Meredith Lamb
On 11/1/05, Randy <rpratt@.....> wrote:
I have the thin liquid variety. For a short ter=
m at least it will bead up
in the cross joint like oil. It al=
so seems to lubricate well as an almost
imperceptible film once a good c=
oating has been applied so you could maybe
even wipe most of it off. My can mentions a 2 hour cure time=
.. On house and
car door hinges it seems to just vanish but no=
squeaks come back for months.
I tried some in a cuckoo clock music box =
about 2 years ago and haven't
opened it back up. I was worried about getting very much in =
there not
knowing how the solvents would react to the other parts as the=
dispersed so I just used a toothpick to insert a minamal am=
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