PSN-L Email List Message

Subject: Re: tornadoes and earthquake detection
From: "Thomas Dick" dickthomas01@.............
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 15:38:58 -0600

> I get file not found error ---

 it may be that you didn't let it load -- it maybe a  little large
I will have to pull the data off backup and look at this. How would this 
register on the seismometer?
> If the tornado was traveling at 60mph
> then the rotational speed was probably
> only about 100mph.
The weather "specialists" with government weather station in our area 
estimated the wind speeds of around 300 mph

> It made me sad that was unable to see the
> seismic data, but what the hey, thats the story of my life.
Try again -- I included a seismogram from today's 6.2 at the bottom of the 


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