PSN-L Email List Message

Subject: Re: Rat Island Swarm
From: Barry Lotz barry_lotz@.............
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 20:10:16 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Jim
   What I find interesting is that USGS shows two 6+ events about 30 minutes apart. I have a hard time seeing the second event start (P & S wave arrivals). It's like my sensors focus on the first event. I don't have a problem with local events though. 
Connie and Jim Lehman  wrote:
          PSN friends--perhaps you have noticed the Rat Island swarm of seismic events---over 50 in the first 12 hours UT of June 14, '06.  Magnitudes range from 2.5 to 6.3.
     For those in range of 2 or more of these events--such conditions make for good magnitude comparisons & local system calibration.
     Latitude and longitude & depths of origins vary a bit.  One can stand amazed at the resolution the professionals have in a swarm as this.
      A good day to all----Jim Lehman

Hi Jim
 What I find interesting is that USGS shows two 6+ events about 30 minutes apart. I have a hard time seeing the second event start (P & S wave arrivals). It's like my sensors focus on the first event. I don't have a problem with local events though.

Connie and Jim Lehman <lehmancj@...........> wrote:
PSN friends--perhaps you have noticed the Rat Island swarm of seismic events---over 50 in the first 12 hours UT of June 14, '06.  Magnitudes range from 2.5 to 6.3.
   For those in range of 2 or more of these events--such conditions make for good magnitude comparisons & local system calibration.

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