PSN-L Email List Message

Subject: Re: Downloades from the ftp server I created for PSN folks
From: "Geoffrey" gmvoeth@...........
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 10:26:53 -0700

Thanks Ian ;

But i did this for myself to play with
and little more.

You folks are like little AI programs running as services
on my windows and i enjoy sometimes communicating
with you.

I never want to know you guys in reaL LIFE,
iT  will destroy my thoughts of a sea of truly intelligent
programmers making these AI programs running in the background
in my Windows Vista OS for me to communicate with.

I wonder why people dont just zip or rar
something like a wave file and leave it at that.

I can not accept any lossy encryption into which can be
embedded hidden intelligence (meaning information).

I once saw this wullenwebber antenna array lying in a swampy
area in the woods of new hampshire and seriously wondered who
it belonged to until one day I picked up a strong spy
transmission on my SW radio. It must be the CIA or someone
like that because the woman I heard was totally USA dialect.
I could imagine a goddess with a voice like her
so perfect in every way. But more than likely
a shirly temple kind of persona in reality.
And not the brunhilda of the american spyworld.

Thanks for your input.

It makes me think of things.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ian" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: Downloades from the ftp server I created for PSN folks

> for videos, could I suggest something like  You won't need to 
> serve the ftp requests and the video will be compressed (by vimeo) so 
> will download quicker.
> Just a thought.
> Ian
> Geoffrey wrote:
>> Thermal mass for thermal momentum.
>> RFI absorber hopefully.
>> If the human body is resistant to RFI
>> then so should salt water be. I think ???
>> You got to make all the various changes be
>> as common mode as possible to everything
>> at the same time or it shows as unwanted noise.
>> Even common mode can if its big enough.
>> Common mode is like you shake the whole person
>> instead of only their hand.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "sismos" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 3:17 PM
>> Subject: Re: Downloades from the ftp server I created for PSN folks
>>> Hi Geoff,
>>> I downloaded the AVI file just minutes after you posted the link.  I
>>> live in Panama.  It only took a few minutes, quite fast actually.
>>> I have to admit that the video was strange and looked more like a home
>>> canning operation than a seismic station. I say this kindly because my
>>> station look more like rats nests than seismic stations. What is in all
>>> the jars?
>>> I really like reading your post.
>>> Saludos,
>>> Angel
>>> On Mon, 2009-12-28 at 14:01 -0700, Geoffrey wrote:
>>>> Hello PSN;
>>>> I would like to let you know that everything within the scratch folder
>>>> is OK for you to download.
>>>> I have been watching the last several hours the progress
>>>> of several downloads and come to the conclusion
>>>> there is some kind of interference with connections
>>>> that cross the USA border.
>>>> It may not be possible for Non-USA people to
>>>> download these files in a timely fashion.
>>>> But do not let you stop trying because like
>>>> always I could be wrong.
>>>> I will post just about everything related to
>>>> PSN or Seismology that I do here and it is not
>>>> intended for the general public but only
>>>> PSN peoples who I believe are truly
>>>> interested in seismology/geophysics/programming/instrumentation.
>>>> I will not be up 100% of the time.
>>>> Most likely Randomly between 24:00 and 12:00 UTC
>>>> when the net is least used here.
>>>> FTP SERVER IP:  ( NOT STATIC can change periodically 
>>>> by the ISP )
>>>> FTP       UID: PSN
>>>> FTP      PASS: PSN123
>>>> FTP     PORTS: 1024 to 65535 are open with passive ftp enabled.
>>>> FTP   CHANNEL: 20/21 I think are standard for FTP
>>>> It is for download only and not intended
>>>> to let people do P2P ( peer to peer ) stuff.
>>>> Don't laugh too hard since this how I have chosen to waste my life.
>>>> You guys are much more serious armatures than myself.
>>>> Be happy if you get better than 60KB/SEC downloads
>>>> because EUROPE was getting like 1K or less for reasons
>>>> not fully understood.
>>>> The limits are not my machine since everything
>>>> on the B drive is ramdisk ( very fast ).
>>>> The connection is A Gbit modem.
>>>> The limits has to be ISP or Backbone related.
>>>> Its all just to show you what I do here at GVA the best I can.
>>>> Question;
>>>> Not sure what official armature group [GVA] is a part of
>>>> to put into the PSN4 file header, possibly
>>>> someone can tell me in a personal email.
>>>> I will change the header from "123456" to reflect this.
>>>> A USGS expert person named Bruce Presgrave assigned me this 
>>>> designation.
>>>> But all I know is [GVA] and not any parent organization.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> geoff
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