PSN-L Email List Message

Subject: Seismometer Sensitivity (and a 'gedanken')
From: Randall Peters PETERS_RD@..........
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2011 11:17:37 -0400

The sensitivity of a gravitationally restored pendulum is proportional to t=
he square of its natural period, as is now readily proven.
      Many are familiar with the famous formula for the period of a simple =
pendulum; i.e., two pi times the square root of the ratio of
length to the acceleration of gravity.  This means that the square of the n=
atural period is directly proportional to the length of the pendulum.
Consider now the sensor used to measure the horizontal linear displacement =
of the bob, away from the equilibrium that corresponds to alignment
with the direction of the earth's field. The sensitivity of this earliest u=
seful seismometer depends on the
displacement of the bob.  This assumes, of course, that we understand it is=
 much smarter to measure the bob's displacement, rather
than the angular displacement of the pendulum, that is proportional to its =
acceleration.  It is a simple exercise in the use of
Newton's second law, to show that the angular displacement is indeed propor=
to the horizontal component of the acceleration of the case; i.e., to the s=
ize in meters per second per second of
the seismic disturbance causing the pendulum to move (for accelerations sma=
ll compared to little 'g'.  Incidently, it is only
the acceleration of the earth that causesany seismometer to respond.  As is=
 routinely done by seismologists, we can specify the earth motion by means =
of a
transformation to equivalent velocity (for a given frequency of assumed ste=
ady state oscillation).  This can be done mathematically after measuring ac=
celeration directly (as with a VolksMeter).  It can also be done electronic=
ally, as is accomplished by the feedback network of a force balance instrum=
It should be understood, however, no matter how you specify the motion; it =
is the acceleration of the earth
(and only the acceleration) that causes the instrument to respond to begin =
with.  If you doubt this statement then
ask yourself the following question--what is fundamental,velocity or accele=
ration.  Or stated in another way, which came first, the velocity or the ac=
celeration (for any problem inmechanics).  Tell me velocity and you are lik=
ely to fail my physics course.
        The simplest sensor to demonstrate invariance to scaling influence =
is a capacitive sensor that works on the basis of voltage change
due to gap spacing variation, and for which the total charge on the capacit=
or is fixed.  This is physically meaningful for an ideal
parallel plate capacitor, having small gap spacing, that has been charged t=
o a particular voltage and the charging source then
disconnected. Very small changes in its gap spacing then yield proprtionall=
y small voltage variations across the plates. As
I mentioned in a previous mailing, the output voltage is for this case prop=
ortional to the electric field between the plates. It also
depends directly on the amount of the gap change, and thus will measure a m=
iniscule displacement of the pendulum.
        So then, what happens to the sensitivity of this pendulum as we mak=
e it longer?  The answer is easy to understand.  Assuming scale invariance
of the sensor (or use of the same detector), and for a given small accelera=
tion, the size of the voltage output by the sensor (at the position
of the bob) is directly proportional to the length of the pendulum, since t=
he pendulum's angular deflection is itself proportional to
the acceleration.  Moreover, because the period squared is proportional to =
the pendulum length, we arrive at the (generally, independent of
seismometer type) result that the sensitivity is proportional to the square=
 of the natural period of the pendulum.
        We can apply similar reasoning to the hypothetical situation of a c=
oiled spring seismometer hanging vertically.  This was the
genesis of the problem assigned to Lucien LaCoste by Prof. Romberg in a mec=
hanics class at the University of Texas.  He in effect
told Lucien that to obtain a high sensitivity for this spring operating as =
a component of a vertical seismometer; i.e., by fixing the top of the sprin=
g and hanging a mass on its
bottom (and measuring the displacement of the mass), the spring would have =
to be prohibitively long to function as an instrument capable of detecting =
motions (like waves from a teleseismic earthquake).  The ingenious solution=
 provided by LaCoste was to mount a much shorter spring at an
angle, to provide mechanical amplification'. But he then had to invent the =
zero-length spring in order to avoid the problems of mesoanelastic complexi=
ty. His
solution was unique to my academic experience.  I don't know any other prof=
essor whose benefits (probably both monetarily and in other
forms of satisfaction) were improved by forming a company (LaCoste Romberg)=
 on the basis of his student's ingenuity.
        Although I have not here proven the same thing for a mass/vertical =
spring instrument as was done for the simple pendulum; it is
nearly as easy to show that the sensitivity of this vertical spring instrum=
ent is also proportional to its size; i.e., to the length of
the spring.  On the basis of this reasoning I have come to the following co=
nclusion. It might just be true, in general, that the sensitivity
of a seismic instrument involves the 'size' of the instrument proportionall=
y.  This would explain, for example, why a MEMS
accelerometer is much too insensitive to pick up teleseismic waves that we =
routinely see with our macro-sized instruments.
        In the last week I put together a high-performance  MEMS-based seis=
mocardiograph.  The user-friendly, inexpensive ($35) circuit
board sold by Dimension Engineering out of Akron, OH  (product number DE-AC=
CM3D) uses the Analog Devices ADXL330 3-axis accelerometer
chip, along with a buffer to make it user friendly.  The chip is micro-mach=
ined and works on the basis of differential capacitive sensing of the motio=
n of the MEMS cantilever.  It is easily calibrated by means of 90 degree ro=
tations (around the principal axes) and looking at how the analog voltage o=
changes according to the direction of the earth's field relative to a given=
 axis.  One is by this means operating on the
basis of deflections of the cantilever due to its weight. A similar chip is=
 used in my Droid-x (Kionix KXTF9) to change the
display, when you flip the phone from one viewing orientation to another (t=
o keep things right-side up). I tried unsuccessfully to use the Kionix
accelerometer for SCG  purposes; but the 12-bit ADC employed is not fine en=
          For purpose of our SCG studies, I calibrated the DE-ACCM3D system=
 by the means just stated, with it connected to a 24 bit ADC (USB 4-channel=
 unit) sold by Symmetric Research out of Kirkland, WA.  I measured the nois=
e limited sensitivity of the device in all three channels at about one part=
 in 10,000
of the earth's field.  This is roughly 10,000 times worse sensitivity than =
the VolksMeter, which also uses an Analog Devices chip
(capacitance to digital converter, AD7745).  I proceeded then to wonder if =
the difference between them is simply due to a difference
in their size.  The pendulum length of the VM is about 0.3 m.  Although I c=
ould not find a spec. for the length of the cantilever
in the ADXL330, I would on the basis of my hypothesize, predict it to be of=
 the order of not less than 30 microns.
A cantilever does not bend as far under the influence of acceleration as do=
es a pendulum swing for the same acceleration.
The mechanics of cantilever bending is quite complicated mathematically, so=
 I didn't 'go there' for mmore precise calcuations.  But I would expect
that a factor of ten times 30 might be representative.  And in fact, I foun=
d a research article showing an early generation
MEMS device using a cantilever, whose length was about 500 microns.
      I hope that some of you readers will find this long post interesting,

The sensitivity = of a gravitationally restored pendulum is proportional to the square of its= natural period, as is now readily proven.

      Many are familiar with the famous formula= for the period of a simple pendulum; i.e., two pi times the square root of= the ratio of

length to the acceleratio= n of gravity.  This means that the square of the natural period is dir= ectly proportional to the length of the pendulum.

Consider now the sensor used to measure the horizontal linear di= splacement of the bob, away from the equilibrium that corresponds to alignm= ent

with the direction of the earth's f= ield. The sensitivity of this earliest useful seismometer depends on the

displacement of the bob.  This assum= es, of course, that we understand it is much smarter to measure the bob's d= isplacement, rather

than the angular di= splacement of the pendulum, that is proportional to its acceleration. = It is a simple exercise in the use of

= Newton's second law, to show that the angular displacement is indeed propor= tional

to the horizontal component of th= e acceleration of the case; i.e., to the size in meters per second per seco= nd of

the seismic disturbance causing t= he pendulum to move (for accelerations small compared to little 'g'.  = Incidently, it is only

the acceleration= of the earth that causesany seismometer to respond.  As is routinely = done by seismologists, we can specify the earth motion by means of a <= /o:p>

transformation to equivalent velocity (for a = given frequency of assumed steady state oscillation).  This can be don= e mathematically after measuring acceleration directly (as with a VolksMete= r).  It can also be done electronically, as is accomplished by the fee= dback network of a force balance instrument.

It should be understood, however, no matter how you specify the motion= ; it is the acceleration of the earth

(= and only the acceleration) that causes the instrument to respond to begin w= ith.  If you doubt this statement then

ask yourself the following question--what is fundamental,velocity or a= cceleration.  Or stated in another way, which came first, the velocity= or the acceleration (for any problem inmechanics).  Tell me velocity = and you are likely to fail my physics course. 

        The simplest s= ensor to demonstrate invariance to scaling influence is a capacitive sensor= that works on the basis of voltage change

due to gap spacing variation, and for which the total charge on the cap= acitor is fixed.  This is physically meaningful for an ideal

parallel plate capacitor, having small gap spaci= ng, that has been charged to a particular voltage and the charging source t= hen

disconnected. Very small changes in= its gap spacing then yield proprtionally small voltage variations across t= he plates. As

I mentioned in a previous = mailing, the output voltage is for this case proportional to the electric f= ield between the plates. It also

depends= directly on the amount of the gap change, and thus will measure a miniscul= e displacement of the pendulum.

 &n= bsp;      So then, what happens to the sensitivity= of this pendulum as we make it longer?  The answer is easy to underst= and.  Assuming scale invariance

of = the sensor (or use of the same detector), and for a given small acceleratio= n, the size of the voltage output by the sensor (at the position

of the bob) is directly proportional to the lengt= h of the pendulum, since the pendulum’s angular deflection is itself = proportional to

the acceleration.  = ;Moreover, because the period squared is proportional to the pendulum lengt= h, we arrive at the (generally, independent of

seismometer type) result that the sensitivity is proportional to the= square of the natural period of the pendulum. 

        We can apply = similar reasoning to the hypothetical situation of a coiled spring seismome= ter hanging vertically.  This was the

genesis of the problem assigned to Lucien LaCoste by Prof. Romberg in a= mechanics class at the University of Texas.  He in effect =

told Lucien that to obtain a high sensitivity for = this spring operating as a component of a vertical seismometer; i.e., by fi= xing the top of the spring and hanging a mass on its

bottom (and measuring the displacement of the mass), the sprin= g would have to be prohibitively long to function as an instrument capable = of detecting small

motions (like waves f= rom a teleseismic earthquake).  The ingenious solution provided by LaC= oste was to mount a much shorter spring at an

angle, to provide mechanical amplification'. But he then had to inve= nt the zero-length spring in order to avoid the problems of mesoanelastic c= omplexity. His

solution was unique to my= academic experience.  I don't know any other professor whose benefits= (probably both monetarily and in other

= forms of satisfaction) were improved by forming a company (LaCoste Romberg)= on the basis of his student's ingenuity. 

        Although I have no= t here proven the same thing for a mass/vertical spring instrument as was d= one for the simple pendulum; it is

nearl= y as easy to show that the sensitivity of this vertical spring instrument i= s also proportional to its size; i.e., to the length of

the spring.  On the basis of this reasoning I have com= e to the following conclusion. It might just be true, in general, that the = sensitivity

of a seismic instrument inv= olves the 'size' of the instrument proportionally.  This would explain= , for example, why a MEMS

accelerometer= is much too insensitive to pick up teleseismic waves that we routinely see= with our macro-sized instruments.

&nbs= p;       In the last week I put together= a high-performance  MEMS-based seismocardiograph.  The user-frie= ndly, inexpensive ($35) circuit

board so= ld by Dimension Engineering out of Akron, OH  (product number DE-ACCM3= D) uses the Analog Devices ADXL330 3-axis accelerometer

chip, along with a buffer to make it user friendly.  T= he chip is micro-machined and works on the basis of differential capacitive= sensing of the motion of the MEMS cantilever.  It is easily calibrate= d by means of 90 degree rotations (around the principal axes) and looking a= t how the analog voltage output

changes = according to the direction of the earth's field relative to a given axis.&n= bsp; One is by this means operating on the

basis of deflections of the cantilever due to its weight. A similar chip= is used in my Droid-x (Kionix KXTF9) to change the

display, when you flip the phone from one viewing orientation = to another (to keep things right-side up). I tried unsuccessfully to use th= e Kionix

accelerometer for SCG  pu= rposes; but the 12-bit ADC employed is not fine enough.

         &nbs= p;For purpose of our SCG studies, I calibrated the DE-ACCM3D system by the = means just stated, with it connected to a 24 bit ADC (USB 4-channel unit) s= old by Symmetric Research out of Kirkland, WA.  I measured the noise l= imited sensitivity of the device in all three channels at about one part in= 10,000

of the earth's field.  This= is roughly 10,000 times worse sensitivity than the VolksMeter, which also = uses an Analog Devices chip

(capacitance= to digital converter, AD7745).  I proceeded then to wonder if the dif= ference between them is simply due to a difference

in their size.  The pendulum length of the VM is about 0.= 3 m.  Although I could not find a spec. for the length of the cantilev= er

in the ADXL330, I would on the basis = of my hypothesize, predict it to be of the order of not less than 30 micron= s.

A cantilever does not bend as far und= er the influence of acceleration as does a pendulum swing for the same acce= leration. 

The mechanics of cantil= ever bending is quite complicated mathematically, so I didn't 'go there' fo= r mmore precise calcuations.  But I would expect

that a factor of ten times 30 might be representative.  = And in fact, I found a research article showing an early generation

MEMS device using a cantilever, whose length wa= s about 500 microns.

   &= nbsp;  I hope that some of you readers will find this long post intere= sting,



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