PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Locating Earthquakes using Earthworm - Call for local SF Bay
From: "sismos@...............
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2012 13:46:41 +0000
Hi Larry,
I would encourage anyone who meets the "list of requirements" to send
you data, not just the near by stations. In that way your EW can then
export data to others who might be able to add them to a more global
network. As you pointed out the bandwidth is no big deal.
On 02/09/2012 11:13 AM, Larry Cochrane wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> First some background... Earthworm, no not the slimy things that crawl
> underground , is a seismic processing package that can run on
> various platforms. The current release of EW can run on Solaris,
> Windows and Linux. All of the code is open source so it can be
> recompiled on other systems / OSs. Here is a link for more
> information: Earthworm is
> used around the world by many agencies to record and report earthquake
> information as well as other low frequency stuff like infrasonic data.
> A few years ago, when EW was at version 6.x, I added two modules to
> the release. One would directly collect data from a PSN ADC board
> (PsnAdSend.exe) using a Comm port and the other would import data into
> EW from WinSDR using a TCP/IP connection (Ws2Ew.exe). I also created a
> file (psn4putaway.c) that would allow EW to create PSN Type 4 event
> files compatible with WinQuake.
> To add the PSN ADC board to EW I needed to learn enough about it to
> get the data into one of the data rings, data is transported to
> modules (processes) in EW using rings, and verify that the timing and
> A/D data was correct. I never looked into the more complicated modules
> that do earthquake location and magnitude calculation. One thing about
> EW, its very powerful with lots of modules to process the data in
> various ways, but its a pain in the ass to configure and figure out
> how to use it.
> Currently Earthworm is maintained by ISTI ( and
> once or twice a year they put on a class to help user better
> understand how to use the more advance features of EW. The last class
> was in December and located in San Fransisco so I was able to attend.
> The class was very informative and I was able to learn how to use some
> of the modules used to locate earthquakes as well as install MySQL to
> arrive all of the waveform data from the various sensors I am
> monitoring to locate events.
> For more information on my setup and current results please see
> I have been recording data for about 3 weeks now and so far I have
> recorded two events that triggered 4 or 5 stations to report the P
> wave arrival times. To locate events with just the P wave one needs 4
> or more arrive times. This page
> has more information.
> What I would like to do is add as many local PSN stations as possible
> to better locate events. Since the EW location modules only work on
> local events, I'm not sure about larger regional earthquakes, I only
> need data from near by stations.
> Here is list of requirements if you would like to send in data:
> 1. You need to run the current beta release of WinSDR. This version
> will try and connect to a client and send data to the client once
> connected. Older versions of WinSDR required a static IP address so
> clients can connect to it to receive data. With this arrangement the
> user does not need to have a static IP internet connection to send
> data out from WinSDR. A Earthworm module at my end will be used to
> listen for the connections and import the data into EW when the
> connection is established.
> 2. You will obviously need a full time DSL or Cable Modem internet
> connection. WinSDR will be sending one 512 byte packet every second so
> the output bandwidth is very low.
> 3. Your station location needs to be well located using GPS or Google
> Earth
> 4. The current module I am running to pick the P wave does best if the
> sensor is short-period sensor like a geophone. But any sensor that
> shows the onset of the P wave well will do.
> 5. Your A/D board needs to have a GPS receiver connected to it so the
> data is accurately timestamped.
> 6. WinSDR needs to be configured to record at 50 Samples Per Second or
> higher.
> If you meet the criteria above please contact me with your station
> information and I will email you information on how to setup your copy
> of WinSDR to send in data to my system.
> Regards,
> Larry Cochrane
> Redwood City, PSN
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