James, To be sure we are texting about the ~ same seismometer, you might take a peek at this PDF at: www.yerdurumu.org/makaleler/documents/instrument.pdf On page 38 is Figure 2.17 which ~ matches the physical vertical I have. The manual I have calls it the "series 201", which they call the "S-5007-v". The model designation ~ difference may only be just subtle subsequent model changes over the years from the ~ 1950's through the 1960's but it seems like no one has a complete collection of manuals to compare the minor/major differences. The manual I have is mostly the old spirit duplicator (fading purple) text which is quite difficult to read now. I'll try to see if I can copy the pages in time with my printer/scanner. The text has a set up procedure but it doesn't have a "trouble indications and resolutions", which can still leave one with no recourse but to simply try what may think could work. Hang loose... Till then....with this problematic guessing mass balance game; it could be a single or a number of corrections that could be tried : You might be trying to attain too great a period and/or, it's subject to too much temperature variation affecting the spring. The best period I used in the past was 15s; periods greater than that would also have the mass wander up or down....probably from the varying temperatures in it's environment on the spring with contraction or expansion of the metal. The instrument is notorious for needing a constant temperature casing/s insulation/s. I had mine in a insulated vault and with the steel covering also covered in insulation; but it would still wander and need adjustment measured in days, or a week or two at best. Try raising the base rear two adjustment screws up for a shorter period and see if that helps elongate the time from what it now is; along with ~ heavy insulation. The original sales "pitch", mentions 30> seconds, but it's been proven to be a nuisance; unless one likes to adjust ~ every day or ever so number of (?) hours of the day. As long as the mass varies daily about the center indicator say, 3/8" varying up and or down, that's OK, you'll still get a useful seismic signal. I'm not absolutely sure, but even a 1 degree temperature change will affect some the spring/balance at a 15s mass period, and get much worse (larger displacement) with a longer period. Not all models of the vertical have a sliding counter weight attachment. One could just use small lead or coin counterweights on the boom, for minor finger moving balance weight adjustment without using the ~ (very) touchy base screws adjustments. Some model/s used a motor driven counterweight with a photocell for remote adjustments. It doesn't "sound" like you need to adjust the wire from the spring to the top mechanical adjustments anymore. I don't know what you have underneath the instrument for it too set on (?), if it's not a reasonably solid and thick ~ stable concrete pier, even slight movement will frequently upset the balance often from environmental influences. You have a very good (but old fashioned) ~ long period vertical instrument...it's worth resolving the balance problem/s. We'll ~ work it out... Take care, Meredith On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:45 PM, JAMES C ALLENwrote: > Meredith Lamb, Bob or others that may have knowledge of Spregnether 5000 > Vertical Seis: > It has been my understanding that in setting up this machine it was > imperative to have the unit mass indicator balanced between the upper and > lower stop, which thus far for me has been illusive . The mass indicator > either slowly goes to the bottom or the top. I have adjusted the spring > wire and still I can not get it to remain balanced between the stops. Does > anyone have a copy of the manual who could provide a photocopy or email the > setup instructions included or provide any tips or suggestions. > James Allen > > > James, To be sure we are texting about the ~ same seismo= meter, you mighttake a peek at this PDF at:=A0=A0On page 38 is Figure 2.17 which ~ matches the physical = vertical I have. Themanual I have calls it the "series 201&= quot;, which they call the "S-5007-v".The model design= ation ~ difference may only be just subtle subsequentmodel changes=A0over the years from the ~ 1950's through the 1960&= #39;sbut it seems like no one has a complete collection of manua= ls tocompare the minor/major differences. =A0=A0
The manual I have is mostly the old spirit duplicator (fading pu= rple)text which is quite difficult to read now. =A0I'll try = to see if I can copy thepages in time with my printer/scanner. = =A0The text has a set up procedurebut it doesn't have a=A0"trouble indications and resolutions&= quot;, which can still leave one with no=A0recourse but to simply try what = may think could work. =A0Hang loose...Till then..= ...with this problematic guessing mass balance game;it could be a single or a number of corrections that could be tried :<= /div>You might be trying to attain too great a period a= nd/or, it's subject totoo much temperature variation affecti= ng the spring. =A0The best periodI used in the past was 15s; periods greater than that would alsohave the mass wander up or down....probably from the varyingtemperatures in it's environment on the spring with contraction<= div>or expansion of the metal. =A0The instrument=A0is notorious for needing=a constant temperature casing/s insulation/s. =A0I had=A0mine in a ins= ulatedvault and=A0with the steel covering also covered in=A0insu= lation; but it wouldstill=A0wander and need adjustment=A0measure= d in days, or a week or twoat best. =A0Try raising the base=A0rear two adjustment screws up for a= shorterperiod and see if that helps elongate the time from what= it now is;along with ~ heavy insulation. =A0The original sales = "pitch", mentions30> seconds, but it's been proven to be a nuisance; unless one = likesto adjust ~ every day or ever so number of (?) hours of the= day. =A0Aslong as the mass varies daily about the center indica= tor say, 3/8" varying=A0up and=A0or down, that's=A0OK, you'll still get a useful seism= ic signal. =A0I'm notabsolutely sure, but even a 1 degree te= mperature change will=A0affect some the spring/balance at a 15s = mass period, and get muchworse (larger displacement)=A0with a=A0longer period.
= div>Not all models of the vertical have a sliding counter weight attac= hment.One could just use small lead or coin counterweights on th= e boom, for minorfinger moving balance weight adjustment without using the ~ (very) touchy b= ase screws adjustments. =A0Some model/s used a motor driven counterweight= div>with a photocell for remote adjustments.It doesn't "sound" like you need to adjust the wire from the = springto the top mechanical adjustments anymore.
<= /div>I don't know what you have underneath the instrument for it t= ooset on (?), if it's not a reasonably solid and thick ~ stable conc= retepier, even slight=A0movement will frequently upset the=A0bal= ance oftenfrom=A0environmental influences.<= div> You have a very good (but old fashioned) ~ long period verticalinstrument...it's=A0worth=A0resolving the=A0balance problem/s.We'll ~ work it out...T= ake care, Meredith=A0On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:45 PM, JAMES C ALLEN <jca= llen1@...........> wrote:Meredith Lamb, Bob or others that may have k= nowledge of Spregnether 5000 Vertical Seis:
It has been my understanding that in setting up this machine it was imperat= ive to have the unit mass indicator balanced between the upper and lower st= op, which thus far for me has been illusive . =A0The mass indicator either = slowly goes to the bottom or the top. =A0I have adjusted the spring wire an= d still I can not get it to remain balanced between the stops. =A0Does anyo= ne have a copy of the manual who could provide a photocopy or email the set= up instructions included or provide any tips or suggestions.
James Allen
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