PSN-L Email List Message

Subject: Re: PSN file Calibration File for local/regional/releseismic wanted
From: Thomas Dick dickthomas01@.............
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 13:16:42 -0500

On 4/18/2012 3:50 AM, Larry Cochrane wrote:
> The other problem is ground response. My sensors are sitting on land 
> fill or mud, and my ML numbers are always .5 to 1 ML higher then the 
> reported magnitude.
> Regards,
> Larry Cochrane
> Redwood City, PSN
> On 4/18/2012 1:35 AM, Dave Nelson wrote:
>> Hi Geoff
>>     I cant really see the possibility of that. the main reason is 
>> that every
>> seismometer
>> is going to have its own response. Then you have all the variations 
>> in preamps.
>> different systems with different lengths of cable runs and their 
>> variations
>> in losses.
>> cheers
>> Dave
>> At 08:36 PM 17/04/2012 +0000, you wrote:
>>> Hello PSN;
>>> It it possible for someone to artificially build
>>> a set of reference files for everyone using WINSDR
>>> to properly adjust the error number for richter
>>> magnitudes ?
>>> Like a 16 bit PSN file.
>>> Like;
>>> One file for Ml=4
>>> One file for Ml=6
>>> The frequency range/amplitude is important for the test file.
>>> If everyone calibrates somehow to match that file
>>> we all should get similar numbers for similar quakes.
>>> I have never been able to set that number right
>>> even tho i know the other numbers are pretty close.
>>> Like make/create an Ideal wave train for a velocity sensor.
>>> A standard if you like.
>>> Maybe there is a calibrated system already out there we all can use
>>> as a reference, in that case, show me/us/psn the web site ?
>>> If I have failed to answer any questions I have been
>>> off line several days rebuilding my OS which happens
>>> every few months thanks to stupid DRM stuff which is NOT
>>> self correcting when you make system wide changes to NTFS security
>>> settings. Im always looking for general security settings
>>> which make NTFS be like a FAT 64 OR ??
>>> Everybody (full permissions) setting will not do it.
>>> ???
>>> geoff
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Good idea about calibration. And Larry is right. What about starting 
with standardizing filtration techniques, maybe someone who uses the 
data could tell us what we are doing right or wrong by critiquing posted 
data and maybe getting individuals to post vertical, and horizontal data 
together for comparison.

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