PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: What is an earthquake?
From: Dave Nelson dave.nelson@...............
Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 22:13:40 +1000
Hi Thomas
I have been known to go back through the archives on the rare occassion
Primarily I'm interested in the recordings by others of the large events
M7++ ones.
there has been times when for what ever reason I didnt get a copy in the email
or a hard drive crash has caused a loss of historical data.
On that note I was very grateful for Larry's archive as earlier this year
I realised I
had lost all the SDR files of my own events that I recorded between 1996
and 2000
in New Zealand prior to coming to Australia.
In general tho, I would suspect that the archives are not looked at too often
by many people. Regardless of whether the archived data is used by
or not, is still a great resource and should be continued.
The only real comment I would make about whether to upload files or not is that
maybe people should screen their own files before uploading. If you cant
pick out
a reasonable P and S arrival, then in all honesty, its probably not worth
Of all the files that come to my mailbox via the list server, many of them are
deleted because of a lack of distinguisable P and S arrivals. Really, its
no good for anything other than wasting hard drive space.
So think about Larry's server before you upload your next file, are you
something worth keeping or is it just filling Larry's hard drives up with
garbage ;)
There are many events I record but dont upload for that very reason :)
OK I have had my soapbox muttering for the week haha
>OK Geoff ..... you have been around longer than I....that makes
>sense..certainly my equipment is amateur quality..... now, answer this
>question....why are we posting to PSN...does anyone care....are the people
>posting more like mechanics working on better cars(seismic detection
>units) they really look at the posted data
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