PSN-L Email List Message

Subject: Re: diamagnetic levitation seismometer possibility
From: Geoff gmvoeth@.........
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 14:17:05 +0000

I read all your meandering thoughts on whatever
and wonder why get lost in looking at trees
when its the overall forest that really matters.

Why not simply experiment in creating a new
geophone or whatever and simply keep what
is proven to work and throw away the remainder.

We are amateurs here not theoretical physicist.

I see a possibility you can hoover a magnetic
whatever and if the angles and dangles are correct
you may be able to achieve a horizontal floating
free period of 20 seconds, even 10 would be acceptable.
All within a very small area, yet it would require
equipment to build beyond the abilities of most
all amateurs.

Then you need to somehow sense the relative
motion of the hoovering mass against its
supporting base.

It all sounds so easy in the mind but to
put it to reality will require a manhatten
project of instrumentation to carry out.

Good luck you eggheads !

Has anyone ever seen an electron microscope
which can measure the separation between
a mass on a spring and the base ?
But what amateur could ever afford such
a thing who is not "Bill Gates" himself ?

I think we should just stick with coils and magnets
till the industrial peoples come up with
a new circuit on a microchip.

I have been redoing my OS the past several days
after loosing my Amazon instant movie DRM.
from this I have learned once you buy DRM stuff
do not make any system wide changes in NTFS security
settings or play with services you do not fully
understand. catching up on PSN reading is generally
fun after being away for awhile.
Your attention to complex detail, can sometimes be amusing.


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