PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: L'Aquila quake
From: chrisatupw@.......
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 21:30:03 -0500 (EST)
From: Mauro Mariotti
To: psnlist
Sent: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 7:34
Subject: Fwd: Re: L'aquila quake
there is a video on YouTube: It is in Italian
It isn't about the l'aquila quake, but what Prof. Boschi said about a
different area in 2008, the area in question is the Padania region
(Emilia-Romagna) where a major earthquake happened the last May and
where also a really really bad effect of soil liquefaction happened.
This is how they talk and think...
Do you still believe they don't should be brought to the court ?=20
Hi Mauro,
Have you heard of the definition of a Camel ? It is a Horse - as design=
ed by a Committee !=20
And here we are concerned about the behavior of a particular Committee.=20
Could you check up on the number and magnitudes of quakes experienced w=
ithin say 40 km=20
of L'Aquila in the past 200 years, please ? I know that some parts of Italy=
are much more=20
seismically active than others, but I have no knowledge of quakes in this p=
articular area. Have there=20
ANY previous examples of a swarm of moderate level quakes being followed by=
major quake ?=20
I just can't see us EVER having a similar problem here in the UK ! If =
I was worried about quakes and=20
decided to camp out away from any buildings, or to leave the area, but was =
told by a Defence Department=20
Official that there was no danger and that I should go home, I would polite=
ly thank him for his kind=20
advice and then ignore it. Only if he tried to insist would I ask him what =
his expertise was and, on=20
learning that he was merely an Official, tell him to 'get lost'. This would=
be a common reaction.=20
Thinking about this attitude, the whole population in the UK are more t=
han a bit sceptical about=20
believing weather forecasts - with VERY good reason ! We live on the juncti=
on between the Atlantic and=20
the Continental weather systems and as the weather is also sensitive to the=
terrain, it is very difficult to=20
predict accurately. The Met Office still occasionally gets the forecast bad=
ly wrong. A fine sunny day may=20
be forecast, but I still have a good look at the sky in the morning ! This =
distrust plays over in the 'mind' of=20
the public into ANY official pronouncements ! =20
Now, there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that major earthquakes can be pred=
icted at any particular=20
time, in spite of very considerable efforts having been made to predict the=
m, so the opinion that there=20
was NO SIGNIFICANT DANGER seems to have been PERFECTLY CORRECT. You may hav=
e a=20
geological fault line which has historically failed every 50 years 'on aver=
but you CAN'T predict the day, the week or the year when this will happen. =
you CAN'T install devices to measure rock stresses down to 100 miles underg=
round !
In largely protestant countries, we don't tend to believe the myth tha=
What is the 'chain of command' and relationship of authority between th=
e various Italian departments=20
involved, please ? I would have expected the seismologists to have been an =
advisory committee and=20
the Defence Department to have been responsible for taking decisions and in=
teracting with the public.=20
Have any members of the Defence Department been prosecuted, please ? The se=
ismologists are=20
VERY UNLIKELY to have been patrolling the streets of D'Aquila themselves te=
lling people not to worry=20
and to go home !=20
Have any transcripts of the trial been released yet ? My point is that =
we do not seem to have any=20
firm information yet on who said what to whom and when.=20
I understand from the TV recording that the official seismology body in=
Italy may have been giving=20
some dubious 'opinions', but the scope of this legal action against the mem=
bers seems to be quite=20
disproportionate. It could be reasonable to prosecute the head of a committ=
ee if he has failed to carry=20
out his duties, or has done them corruptly.=20
However, the nominally controversial 2008 statement by Professor Boschi=
that there was no risk to=20
a gas storage project at Mirandola from foreseeable earthquakes could well =
be correct. Gas storage=20
may be done in porous, dome shaped rock formations many hundreds of metres =
underground which=20
are capped by impervious rock. So long as a fault line does not intersect t=
his dome, it should not be=20
damaged by quakes, even ones which may flatten local buildings.=20
Explaining this to the general public may be a bit more difficult.=20
You say "He (Boschi) said all measurement was made and no danger was e=
xpected for that area=20
EVEN IF A MAJOR QUAKE COULD OCCUR". Now a major quake would certainly be ex=
pected to=20
damage buildings, so the statement clearly refers to the gas storage dome u=
In May 2012 there was a major quake resulting in thousands of damaged h=
ouses and >10 fatalities.
I have not heard of any update on this.
I will be very interested to hear the result of the appeal against the=
prosecution. The logic of this conviction =20
escapes me. I doubt if Mauro's arguments can be upheld.=20
Chris Chapman
Il 22/10/2012 22:23, Antonio Moura ha scritto:
> I totally agree with Steinar. I am think that part of what is essential
> is to strive to make clear of what really is the probabilistic nature
> and the uncertainty associated with such natural phenomena. Lawyers and
> judges and general public sometimes have a great lack of knowledge in
> Scientific matters and the little science they can grasp is of a
> Deterministic, 2+2=3D4, nature. In Portugal two Scientists published an
> interesting book called "How to Talk to Reporters without being on the
> Verge of a Nervous Breakdown" ... I think this also should apply to
> lawyers and such "species" alike .. However I did not expect this type
> of judgement from a country with such a tradition in seismology and
> science. I guess that having an "escape goat" in certain troubled times
> must speak higher.
> Rui Moura
From: Mauro Mariotti <ma=
To: psnlist <psnlist@..............>
Sent: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 7:34
Subject: Fwd: Re: L'aquila quake
there is a video on YouTube:=
It is in Italian
It isn't about the l'aquila quake, but what Prof. Boschi said about a
different area in 2008, the area in question is the Padania region
(Emilia-Romagna) where a major earthquake happened the last May and
where also a really really bad effect of soil liquefaction happened.
This is how they talk and think...
Do you still be=
lieve they don't should be brought to the court ?
Hi Mauro,
Have you heard of the definition of a Camel ? It is a Horse - as designe=
d by a Committee !
And here we are concerned about the behavior of a p=
articular Committee.
Could you check up on the number and magnitudes of quakes experienced w=
ithin say 40 km
of L'Aquila in the past 200 years, please ? I know =
that some parts of Italy are much more
seismically active than others, but I have no knowledge of quakes in this p=
articular area. Have there
ANY previous examples of a swarm of moderate level quakes being followed by major quake ?
I just can't see us E=
VER having a similar problem here in the UK ! If I =
was worried about quakes and
decided to camp out away from any buildings, or to leave the area, but was =
told by a Defence Department
Official that there was no danger =
and that I should go home, I would politely thank him for his kind <=
advice and then ignore it. Only if he tried to insist would I ask him what his expertise was and, o=
learning that he was merely an Official, tell him t=
o 'get lost'. This would be=
a common reaction.
nking about this attitude, the whole population in the UK are more than a b=
it sceptical about
believing weather forecasts - with VERY good reason ! We live on the junction =
between the Atlantic and
the Continental weather systems and as the weather is also=
sensitive to the terrain, it is very difficult to
predict accurately. The Met Office still occasional=
ly gets the forecast badly wrong. A fine sunny day =
be forecast, but I still have a go=
od look at the sky in the morning =
! This distrust plays over in the 'mi=
nd' of
the public into ANY official pronouncements !  =
Now, there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that major ear=
thquakes can be predicted at any particular
time, in spite of very considerable efforts having been made to predict the=
m, so the opinion that there
RECT. You may have a
geological fault line which has historically failed every 50 years 'on aver=
but you CAN'T predict the day, the week or the year when this will happen. And
you CAN'T install devices to measure rock stresses down to 100 miles underg=
round !
In largely protestant countries, w=
e don't tend to believe the myth that ANYONE is INFALLABLE=
! =
What is the 'chain of command' and relationship of aut=
hority between the various Italian departments
involved, please ? I would have expected the seismologists to have been an =
advisory committee and
the Defence Department to have been respo=
nsible for taking decisions and interacting with the public.
Have any members of the Defence Departmen=
t been prosecuted, please ? The seismologists are
VERY UNLIKELY to have been patrolling the streets of D'Aquila=
themselves telling people not to worry
and to go home !
Have any transcripts of the trial been released=
yet ? My point is that we do not seem to have any
firm information yet on who said what to whom and when.
I understand from the TV recording that the o=
fficial seismology body in Italy may have been giving
some dubious 'opinions', but the scope of this lega=
l action against the members seems to be quite
disproportionate. It could be reasonable to prosecute the head of a committ=
ee if he has failed to carry
out his duties, or has done them corruptly.
However, the nominally controv=
ersial 2008 statement by Professor Boschi that there was no risk to
a gas storage project at Mirandola from foreseeable earthquakes could well be correct. Gas s=
may be done in porous, dome shaped=
rock formations many hundreds of metres underground which
are capped by impervious rock. So long as a fault line does not intersect this dome, it should not be
damaged by quakes, even ones which may flatten local build=
Explaining this to the general=
public may be a bit more difficult. =
You say "=
He (Boschi) said all measurement was made and no danger was expected for that area
EVEN IF A MAJOR QUAKE COULD OCCUR". Now a major quake would certainly be ex=
pected to
damage buildings, so the statement clearly refers to the g=
as storage dome underground.
In May 2012 there was a m=
ajor quake resulting in thousands of damaged houses and >10 fatalities.<=
I have not heard of any update =
on this.
I will be very intere=
sted to hear the result of the appeal against the prosecution. The logic of=
this conviction
escapes me. I doubt if Mauro's arguments can be upheld.
Chris Chapman
Il 22/10/2012 22:23, Antonio Moura ha scritto:
> I totally agree with Steinar. I am think that part of what is essentia=
> is to strive to make clear of what really is the probabilistic nature
> and the uncertainty associated with such natural phenomena. Lawyers an=
> judges and general public sometimes have a great lack of knowledge in
> Scientific matters and the little science they can grasp is of a
> Deterministic, 2+2=3D4, nature. In Portugal two Scientists published a=
> interesting book called "How to Talk to Reporters without being on the
> Verge of a Nervous Breakdown" ... I think this also should apply to
> lawyers and such "species" alike .. However I did not expect this typ=
> of judgement from a country with such a tradition in seismology and
> science. I guess that having an "escape goat" in certain troubled time=
> must speak higher.
> Rui Moura
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