This utility reads and displays the contents of SAC binary event files. When WinQuake opens a SAC file, it does not transfer much of the information available in the SAC header. Using SAC_HDR allows you to find such information, and copy and paste it in the converted PSN file. The associated file, SACFORMAT.txt, gives a description of the elements of a SAC header. It can be read using NOTEPAD, or directly accessed from the application by selecting "SAC Header Details" in the Help menu. A SAC file header is 632 bytes long, and consists of 133 elements. The first 70 elements are single precision floating point numbers, each 4 bytes long. The next 40 elements are long integer numbers, each 4 bytes long. The final 23 elements are written in ASCII characters. Each element occupies 8 bytes, or characters, except for the second element, which is 16 characters long. Non ASCII varables are written in Big Endian order. This utility uses special programming to decipher them. ---- REFERENCE: SAC USERS MANUAL-- Data Format: Parts 1 and 2.